PPIC Partner introduction - Coveme support
2017 PPIC partner introduction: Coveme
- Share the advantest technology and product
Coveme, an Italian company converting polyester film for various industrial applicaiton such like photovoltaic modules, reaches agreement with PV Top-runner Forum to fully support 2017 PPIC (PV polymer international conference). Coveme will arrange polymer specialist from their headquarter to share the advantest product and application technology in the forum.
2017 PPIC will be held on April 15th - 17th in Zhangjiang hi-tech zone, Shanghai. The conference is Organized by CPVS (China Renewable energy Society PV committee), SSES(Shanghai solar energy society), PVTF(PV Top-runner innovation Forum),CPIA(China PV Industry Associate), Jiangxi Photoelectric composites engineering research center).
"Challenge the cost, quality, efficiency by 2020", the conference focus on toipcs like PV backsheet, encapsulant, framing sealant, junction box, connector, cable... all polymers used in PV industry. The conference targets on the people who does material research, testing, evaluation, production, module application, reliability and durability study, invites the top research and manufacturing leaders, to share their practice and knowledge, discuss the new opportunity and challenge from the booming market.
After the 13th 5-year plan in China, at least 160GW PV plant will be realized. According to the development plan, China wants to achieve FIT by 2020 and cancel subsidy for PV by 2024. China also announced the <Energy technology innovation plan》 and lists the PV polymer R&D as critical demostration model.
About Coveme
Coveme converts polyester film for various industrial applications such as photovoltaic modules, RFID antennas, biomedical sensor strips, electrical insulation, automotive, screen print and flexible packaging.
Product and process innovation are at the heart of Coveme’s activities and fundamentals for the development of new products for highly technological industries of rapid growth and continuous evolution. In this context,the strong partnerships with our clients and suppliers are of utmost importance and vital for a successful common growth.
Today Coveme has two production sites: the first, built in 1996 in Gorizia, Italy, and the second opened in 2011 in Zhangjiagang, China, around 200km north of Shanghai. Coveme’s core business is positioned within renewable energy industry where solar module manufacturers are the main target of our backsheet films. The company has kept pace with the rapid growth of this industry, and has reached a leading position within very few years.
Our concern for the protection of the environment is reflected not only in what we produce but also how we produce, which means a lean and green production technology and relationship with our partners.
Coveme has commercial and logistic networks all over the world. All our sales managers are responsible for their business 100%, that means they are trained to give our clients highly technical support before and after sales.
The reliability of Coveme, guaranteed by high quality standards and rigorous control, is the promise we keep to our clients.
2. Registration and enrollment contact, Download Form
Song jie (+86)18017726437 song.jie@testpv.com
Camille Yu (+86)18017729437 jq.yu@testpv.com
3. Secretariat contact of PV Polymer International Conference
Shanghai Solartest Co., Ltd
Song Jie 18017726437 song.jie@testpv.com
Alex Liu 18017723437 alex@testpv.com
China Renewable Energy Society PV Committee
Liyun Ma 15801629851 maliyun@mail.iee.ac.cn
Shanghai Solar Energy Society
Klaudia Tsai 15800936109 shsesorg@163.com
China National Electric Research Institute
Hao Feng 18926128850 fengh@cei1958.com
Zhongshan University Solar Research Institute
Yunlin Sun 18929971598 sunyunlin@163.com